Catfish Farming

I. Introduction.Catfish are a popular type of fish communities, with a delicious flavor, the meat is tender, orderly spikes and can be presented in a variety of cuisines. PT. NATURAL NUSANTARA with the principle of K-3 (Quantity, Quality and Health) to help catfish farmers with a package of products and technologies.
II. Lele seeding.Catfish farming is to produce seed to a certain size by mating male and female parent in special spawning ponds. Catfish hatcheries have a good prospect with a high consumption of catfish and catfish rearing many businesses.

III. Cultivation systems.There are three known breeding system, namely:A. Bulk systems. Performed by placing the male and female catfish in a pond with a certain ratio. In this system the male parent is free to seek a partner for mating in the nest spawning invited, so it really depends on the activity of the male parent looking for a partner.2. Pair the system. Performed by placing the male and female in a special pool. Its success is determined by the accuracy of determining a suitable match between the two carriers.3. Injection seeding system (Hyphofisasi).Performed by stimulating the catfish to spawn by injection or ovulation Hyphofise gland extracts, which are at the bottom of the brain. For this purpose there must be a fish as a donor Hyphofise gland which also must be of the type of catfish.

IV. Cultivation Process stage.A. Making Fitness.There are two kinds / types of pools, the tub and pool (pool excavation). The selection of the type of pond should be tailored to the available land. Technically both the type and the type bath minerals, catfish hatchery must have:Pool reservoir. Get input directly from the outside water / water source. Function for the deposition of mud, water supply, and the growth of plankton. Reservoir pond is a source of water to another pond.Holding pond maintenance. Male parent and bertina maintained during egg maturation on its own pool as well as the maturation of the egg and sperm cells.Spawning pool. Place the male and female mating. This pool should be available on spawning nests of fibers, bricks, bamboo and others as the relationship of male and female parent.Separating the pool. Serves to raise chicks that have hatched and have 3-4 days old. Removal done at that age because pups begin to need food, who is still using yolk reserves holding in his digestive tract.
B. Selection of ParentThe male parent has a sign:- Bone shaped flat head- A darker color- More agile movement- Slim stomach does not look bigger than the back- Pointy shaped genitalia.Female parent is marked:- Convex-shaped skull- The brighter the color bodies- Slow motion- Stomach expands more than the genitals back round.
C. Land preparation.Processing of land (on ground pools) include:- Drying. To clean the pond and kill various germs.- Liming. Performed with Dolomite lime or zeolite dose of 60 gr/m2 to restore the acidity of the soil and kill the germs are not killed by drying.- Treatment TON (Pond Organic Nusantara). to neutralize the various toxic and hazardous gases result of decomposition of organic matter remaining before culture with a dose of 5 bottles TON / ha or 25 grams (2 tablespoons) / 100m2. The addition of manure can also be done to increase the fertility of the land.- Revenue Water. Done in stages, initially as high as 30 cm and left for 3-4 days to grow plankton as natural feed catfish.A bath at the pond type, pond preparation to do is:- Cleanup tub of dirt / residue before seeding.- Drying tub to dry and dead germs. Water inlet directly fapat fully and immediately treated with the same dose TON
D. Spawning.Spawning is the process of male and female parent meeting to remove the egg and sperm cells. The sign is ready to mate the male genitalia red. Female parent sign a yellow egg (if immature green). The fertilized egg attaches to the nest and within 24 hours will hatch into chicks catfish.
E. Removal.How to transfer:- Reduce the water in the spawning nests until the water level 10-20 cm.- Prepare shelters with a bowl or bucket filled with water in the nest.- Equate the temperatures at both pools- Remove the seeds from the nest into a container holding a cup or plate.- Remove the seeds from the reservoir into the nursery pond with caution at night, because it is still vulnerable to high water temperatures.
F. Nursery.Is ready to sell enlargement to size, ie 5-7 cm, 7-9 cm and 9-12 cm with different prices. Separating surface is given a pool of water hyacinth or protective cover of plastic to avoid the rising water temperatures that cause stress catfish easily. Done since the start of feeding catfish chicks are transferred to nursery ponds.
V. Forage Management.Catfish feed puppies are:- Natural food in the form of plankton, larvae, water fleas and tiny worms (best) is consumed under the age of 3-4 days.- Feed-made for age over 3-4 days. Have high nutrient content, especially protein levels.- To add nutrients to feed, each mixed with artificial feeding POC NASA with a dose of 1-2 cc / kg of feed (mixed with enough water), to enhance the growth and endurance because it contains many essential minerals, protein and vitamins in optimum amounts.
VI. Water Management.The size of the water quality can be assessed physically:- Water must be clean- Bright green- Brightness / transparency medium (30-40 cm).
Chemical water quality measures:- Free of toxic compounds such as ammonia- Have the optimal temperature (22-26 0C).
To maintain the quality of water to keep it in optimal condition, the provision of much needed fertilizer TON. TON containing essential mineral elements, fat, protein, carbohydrates and humic acids are able to nurture and nourish natural food in the form of plankton and worm-type worms, neutralizes toxic compounds and creates a balanced pond ecosystem. TON treatment performed at the time of the land by way of dissolved and pour on the soil surface in the pool and at the time of introduction of new water or at least every 10 days. Dosage is 25 g/100m2 TON.
VI. Health Management.Basically, puppies raised catfish will not hurt if you have high endurance. Lele puppies become sick more often caused by environmental conditions (water) is ugly. Extremely poor water conditions encourage the growth of various germs either in the form of protozoa, fungi, bacteria and others. Then in catfish hatchery health management, which is more important is to guard the water conditions and high nutrition. In either case then, the role of TON and POC NASA is very large. But if the cat already diseased seedlings, it is recommended to perform the appropriate treatment. Diseases caused by infection with protozoa, bacteria and fungi can be treated with formalin, a solution of PK (potassium permanganate) or table salt. The use of these drugs must be carefully and the dose used should also be appropriate.