Ways To Save Kroto Durable

Kroto is nice and fresh is the dream of every lover of birds chirping, certainly all know the reason, yes because jeniskroto nice and fresh that will affect the sound quality of our pet birds. We do not want it because we are less qualified Kroto ultimately change the quality of the sound of birds.

Well, the problem is how to Kroto can be durable, long lasting and remain fresh and of good quality? Do not worry, this time the cultivation Kroto will share the "biggest secret" to make krotokita always fresh and good quality. Here are the tips specifically for you:

A. Try to buy Kroto is not too wet, and quality of dairy
2. Do not buy Kroto in large numbers unless your dealer
3. Do not buy Kroto is too clean or not at all semutnya
4. Try after purchase, Kroto dianginkan directly in the open air by using baskets / Tampah dried banana leaves that repose
5. Try Kroto not exposed to direct sunlight
6. If it can be given between the bone pile of banana leaves make food for the ants to live at home.

If the tips above to run properly can be ascertained Kroto labih survive a week without the aid of a refrigerator, and certainly makes us calm because we are not too busy to go home each day to place Kroto huckster.

Actually, by the way Kroto included refrigerator will last a long time, once weekly but may be as a consequence the water content in the Kroto will increase and will certainly affect the quality of bird sounds. And the birds were reluctant to eat Kroto who have entered the refrigerator.